Seven Reasons To Believe In Yourself Again Even If You Don’t Feel You Can
Sometimes life sucks. That’s just the way it is. We’ve all heard over and over again that it’s through the tough times that we learn to appreciate the great times. It’s easy to say but when you’re at a low point how do you find the energy to pick yourself up off the floor and get back on track?
When your confidence is in the doldrums here are seven facts to build your self-belief and ignite the fire in your belly.
Your strengths are powerful
If you find yourself focusing on your weaknesses, it’s time to reconnect with your strengths. Knowing and developing your character strengths can have a significant impact on your quality of life as well as a positive effect on your relationships, your career and your personal growth. Take the simple free survey at and 15 mins later you’ll have a report that outlines your top strengths. Who knows you might even by pleasantly surprised what turns up.
“Being confident and believing in your own self-worth is necessary to achieving your potential.” – Sheryl Sandberg
You have choices
Our lives are the result of the choices we make. Pure and simple. Becoming more aware of how we make our decisions is crucial. If you find yourself in the habit of negatively reacting to people or events, next time just try to pause and think then make an informed decision on your next action.
“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” Maya Angelou
You are one of a kind
Besides the physical what also makes us unique is our individual collection of experiences, abilities, thoughts and dreams. Spend some time to reflect and get clarity on the magic that exists at the intersection of what you care about and what you’re good at. When you are clear and can operate from this intersection life will start to flow. A way to discover this is to answer two questions:
- What really pisses you off? Not the immaterial stuff like missing out on a sale or the bus being late but at a deeper level, that you really care about and that you feel needs to be changed.
- What did you want to be when you grew up? Think about the qualities that were necessary in that profession. Odds are that these are things you’re naturally good at and related to your strengths.
“You have to believe in yourself when no one else does – that makes you a winner right there.” – Venus Williams
You can make a difference
Find your magic then pay it forward so that others can find theirs. In his popular TED talks, Simon Sinek explains that when you help others, both you and the person you serve get a release of oxytocin. Not only does it give you the warm fuzzier but oxytocin boosts our immune systems and enables us to be better problem solvers. So find a charity or a cause that means something to you and get involved.
“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” – Oprah Winfrey
You are tougher than you think
Human beings are remarkable things. Examples of people overcoming extreme hardship who go on and thrive, are all around us. No matter where you find yourself, someone has been there before and they are stronger from it. You can be too. While you might not be feeling like you’re the best version of yourself right now, even the fact you are reading this is the first step to finding what you are truly capable of.
“Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.” – Richard Branson
Your energy is infectious (and so is your smile)
One of the best ways to feel better is to make other people to feel better first. Every day is filled with a series of energy exchanges. Make the effort to be an energy giver and you’ll find it not only coming back to you but spreading to those around you. Start every interaction with a smile and take it from there. For more tips on managing your energy check check out this article.
You can create your own destiny
Your life is yours and yours alone to create. Whether you choose to make it grand or humble is up to you. Comparing your vision to others is irrelevant. What is important is that it is fulfilling and meaningful for you. Take these seven facts and start now.
“We are not in this world to find ourselves, we are here to create ourselves.”